Hi! Welcome to The My Way Mom!

I’m Taci and I want to share my journey in parenthood and help you mom YOUR way.

The my way mom: Me with my newborn
Me with Bean at 14 days old!

For as long as I can remember I have always had strong opinions of how I wanted to raise a child, I was often told “Oh, you just wait till you actually have kids, you’ll see” or “it will be different when you actually are a parent, you don’t understand” The time finally came for me to don the hat of “mom” and though it’s still pretty early in the journey, so far I have stuck to my guns and done it my way. And know what? It’s working! 

Why Am I Writing This Blog?

I’m writing this blog not to tell you that my way is right, or that I am a mighty knower of all when it comes to parenting. My way IS right, for me. And I am learning to be a parent each and every day. This blog is for you! It’s to encourage you to do this parenting thing YOUR way.

Every baby is different, every family is different. What works for one family may not work for another family, that doesn’t make one family “wrong” I want you to have the confidence to follow your gut and do what’s best for you and yours. Even if what feels right might not for the status quo. None of us are experts as being a mom, but we are experts of ourselves. Which is a great place to start. 

An End to Mom Shaming!

I want to see the end of mommy shaming and playground judging, I want to get back to a place of remembering we are all in this together. I hope this blog is a starting point. I’m not here to judge you, I am not here to tell you what to do or argue. I want to share my stories and experiences in hopes they may help you one way or another. Hear me out, give it a try for yourself, or don’t. Like my ways or hate them. I have no expectations that my way will work for everyone, heck, it may only work for me! But that’s the point!

I’m gonna mom my way, and it’s totally ok to MOM YOUR WAY! 


Fun Facts about Me!

  1. I was born in Guam
  2. I have wanderlust, Bad. Got a blog all about it even.
  3. I am not a coffee drinker, when I do I drink decaf, but I am a Starbucks Barista
  4. I love photographing people and places.
  5. I’m a dancer. I have danced most of my life. Currently a Hula dancer.
  6. I am a spreadsheet nerd. I organize pretty much anything (including this blog) with a spreadsheet.
  7. My love language is Acts of Service
  8. My babies are all 3 years apart. (Dog 2014, cat 2017, human 2020).  
  9. I’m known as a “gadget girl” I have a gadget for everything.
  10. I am handy! I do my own house car:, painting, electrical, plumbing.