Is A Vitamix Blender Really Worth It?

For years I have asked my self this question. The Vitamix is so expensive, is it worth it? I mean, it’s just a blender, what makes it so special? And why does it seem like those that have one all say it is indeed worth it? Here is my story on how I came to own a Vitamix (the Venturist v1200, in case you couldn’t handle the anticipation), my first creation and my thoughts so far.

A Story about a Girl and a Blender

Where it All Began

One of my first jobs was at the Del Mar Fair, it is now called the San Diego County Fair, but that is beside the fact. It was a great job for a high school kid, I worked long crazy hours for 3 weeks and made a bunch of money and then would have the rest of the summer to spend said money and hang out with my friends and whatever else teens do. 

The fair has 4 long halls filled with exhibits, they are full of exhibitors showing off all their latest products, and some tried and true. You can most anything in the halls, spices, hair stuff, makeup, jewelry, jacuzzis, beds, whole bathrooms, treats, glasses, clothes, I mean the list goes on and on it’s like walking through a hall of infomercials. Oh, and of course they have kitchen gadgets, gadgets of all types, as small as tiny garlic mincers to full-blown appliances. I love to just wander the halls on a weekday when they are too busy and check out all the neat stuff. 

I am not one to “fall” for the advertising gimmicks but everyone once in a while one will pique my interest. That’s where this story really begins.

The First Demo of a Vitamix

I walk in the last hall and hear the roar of the people and all of the sounds and I walk past a booth. There is a person there with a set straight off of QVC, They even have the catchy TV ad voice. (I can’t  recall the gender of this salesperson, I have since watched too many of these demos). They were showing off a blender. A blender, big deal, what could possibly make this blender so much cooler than it warrants a fancy booth at the fair?

The demonstrator proceeds to add some things to the blender and makes little smoothies for those that are watching. They were really good, but again, it’s a blender, they all can make smoothies. They make something else and go through all the features and then announce the AMAZING deal they had at the fair which was something like 400 dollars. HA! Who spends that on a blender?? Target has them for like a quarter that price. I moved on.

The next year, I did the same thing, and the year after that, and the year after that. Every year stopping at the blender demo. Every year wondering if the Vitamix was worth it. It had my interest peaked and after a couple of years, I was sold. Somehow, someway, I was going to have a Vitamix blender. 

Becoming More Convinced The Vitamix is Worth It.

Over the years, I stopped at the demos in Costco and at the fair. Every time thinking to myself, I will have one someday. I tried a few other blending gadgets, the magic bullet being one, but they just didn’t win me over. 

Last year I went to visit my best friend, Sean, in Washington. His mom is a doll and I love her like my own. She made us soup. In a blender. What?! I don’t know how I missed that was a thing. We got to chatting about the blender, I learned that she has had her Vitamix for like 10 years. After that, I was even more sold than before.

Fast Forward to this year at the fair, and another demo of the Vitamix. This time the guy demoing had an iPad and a little scale and he was showing off the fancy new smart blender. OMG, guys. I have mentioned how much of a gadget girl I am, and an electronics nerd, my worlds collided and now I HAD to have one. 

Why Vitamix?

What is it over these years that made me realize it was the only blender for me? Several things. 

I have met many people over the years who own one, all rave about it and all have had them for many many years. 

Everything I had ever had made in one was good and blended perfectly. Not like that 30 dollar thing I got on a whim that left me eating my smoothies with a spoon and still chewing most of it. 

We use them at Starbucks. This was a real seller for me. These bad boys take on 100s of Frappuccinos a day and blend them all to perfection. For the workload, we rarely have to replace them. If that is not a testament to the quality of these machines, I don’t know what is. Other popular places use them as well, including Jamba Juice and Dairy Queen. Yup, that last one surprised me too, the lovely machine that makes you a blizzard is a custom made upside-down Vitamix. 

The neat little app that works with the scale is a nice bonus. I have only seen it used in demos but I will be playing with that for sure. I love a good gadget. 

So with little on the negative side of my pros and cons list. Research and pricing hunting ensued.  Some back and forth with the wonderful Vitamix social media team and an Amazon Deal of the day lead to this day. Today. Monday the 28th of October. Some 16 years after my first encounter with the Vitamix, my very own Vitamix arrives today. 

The Day I Decided The Vitamix Was Worth It.

After much research and my typical amount of analysis paralysis, I pulled the trigger on the Venturist V1200. They sell them at Costco, and, of course, Amazon. I opted to buy mine on Amazon because with the combination of gift cards I had, rewards points on my Amazon Prime Visa and the Flash sale Deal of the Day my Vitamix was FREE. Ya, you read that right, it was free. 

I have spent the morning making a home for it on my counter and gathering things to pulverize and blend upon its arrival. Christmas came a little early this year guys. 

The Much Anticipated Arrival Day

Fast forward a couple of days, when my Vitamix finally came. It was a day late, but better never late than never. 

The vitamix finally came!
It’s here? On my door! Also… it’s good I live in a nice neighborhood, no question what in this box.

Unboxing a new toy always feels like Christmas. I carefully unpacked my new friend, it comes with a fancy hardcover book with recipes in it, it’s on top. It distracted me momentarily. 

Next, I came to the personal cup with the adapter. This was a happy find. For some reason, I didn’t realize it came with it. Then finally got to the blending pitcher and its base. I made it a home on my counter and wiped down and cleaned it up. 

The Venturist V1200 is a wireless model so I downloaded the app and got it connected to the blender. Which is very easy I might add. 

Before it arrived, I had gone to the store and got some fruit and veg anticipating its arrival. 

The Vitamix's new home on my counter

My First Vitamix Smoothie

It was time to put this thing to the test. The app has recipes in it and it allows you to search by ingredients. I wanted to start with something tested for my first run on this. I found one called “peachy greens” on the app, but I modified it with what I had on hand. It was so good I made it 3 more times!

This was the first smoothie I made with my fancy new Vitamix:

Rice Pudding- Stove Top


  • 3/4 cup uncooked white rice
  • 2 cups milk, divided
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


  • Bring 1 1/2 cups water to a boil in a saucepan; stir rice into boiling water. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes.
  • In a clean saucepan, combine 1 1/2 cups cooked rice, 1 1/2 cups milk, sugar and salt. Cook over medium heat until thick and creamy, 15 to 20 minutes. Stir in remaining 1/2 cup milk, beaten egg, and raisins; cook 2 minutes more, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in butter and vanilla.

It was so yummy! 

My First Smoothie, with help from the Perfect Blend App

So, is the Vitamix Worth It?

So was my spendy little splurge on a Vitamix worth it? Yes! So many times yes. Here are some of my thoughts thus far. 

This blender is easy to use and has a simple interface, only what you need. 

It’s a little loud but by as loud as my friends Ninja and it is blending literal ice so I expect it to be a little loud. 

It does as it should, it blends everything together perfectly and is smooth and delish.  It is everything I hoped it would be. 

I do have a couple of things I don’t love. This model, the Venturist v1200, has no presets on the base, so you need to know more or less how to blend each recipe. 

I also want more from the app. It’s a great start but has much room for improvement.  It’s really geared at using it with the scale so it pushes the scale on you every time you open it. The app also lets you save your own recipes but you can’t save just plain time presets would be really handy to have on hand since the base doesn’t have its own. 

So far this is exactly what I expected, I have used it daily since it’s arrival. If you are thinking about getting a Vitamix and wonder if it’s worth it, the answer is ABSOLUTELY YES! Buy it now! Here is a link. 

Stay tuned to see what other creations come from this fancy toy!